This is a line which has been researched for full automatic production of flatware and similar articles (such as saucers, salad-bowls etc.) on plaster moulds by means of 4 roller heads. Being independently adjustable, these 4 heads allow simultaneous moulding of 4 different items of various shapes and dimensions. The line can be used for working various clay types. The replacement of the plaster moulds is done rapidly and easily.
The personnel required is minimal: only the initial clay loading and the final unloading of the finished stacked plates are done by hand, thus improving the production rate and at the same time reducing the number of operating personnel.
- Feeding: the de-aired clay rods are loaded on feedings belts and automatically put into De-airing mixing units.
- Cutting of cakes: the clay body extruded through 4 independent outlets is cut in pieces of different thickness and diameters directly above the plasters moulds.
- Shaping: 4 balanced roller heads perform the shaping, while scraps are removed by a belt and collected in a container.
- Stamping: a pneumatic device stamps an impression in relief on the base of the plates.
- Drying: the plates on the plaster moulds enter the dryer where they are leather-hard dried by hot-air ventilation blown through nozzles above each rest position.
- Transfer: the plates are removed from the plaster moulds, turned over, and moved to the Finishing Unit. The empty plaster moulds return to dryer for drying.
- Finishing: from the fettling station the plates pass to the sponging station and then are stacked, ready for the next stage.